The Mindset App Pusher is a digital tool used in the Able the Ambassador Growth Mindset Program to support children with ADHD in developing and maintaining a growth mindset. The app is designed to help children set and track goals, and receive reminders and motivational messages to stay on track. Here’s how the Mindset App Pusher works in detail:

Setting Goals: The Mindset App Pusher allows children to set goals related to their academic, social, or personal lives. These goals can be short-term or long-term, and can be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, a child may set a goal to improve their grades in math, and break it down into smaller goals such as completing homework on time, studying for 30 minutes each day, and seeking help when needed.

Tracking Progress: The app allows children to track their progress towards their goals using a progress bar or tracker. This helps children see their progress over time and stay motivated to continue working towards their goals.

Reminders and Motivational Messages: The app sends reminders and motivational messages to children to help them stay on track. For example, if a child has set a goal to complete their math homework on time, the app may send a reminder before the homework is due, and a motivational message after the homework is completed.

Feedback and Reinforcement: The app provides feedback and reinforcement to children based on their progress towards their goals. For example, if a child completes their homework on time, they may receive a virtual badge or reward that reinforces their positive behavior.

Coach Support: The app can be used in conjunction with coaching support from a trained coach or therapist. The coach can review the child’s progress, provide feedback, and offer support and guidance as needed.

The Mindset App Pusher is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for children with ADHD. It provides visual cues, reminders, and reinforcement that can help children stay on track and motivated. The app can be customized to meet the unique needs of each child, and can be used in conjunction with other resources and tools to support growth mindset development.

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